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4 Ways Acupuncture Boosts Fertility Apr 2nd, 2024

Struggling to become pregnant can be disappointing and intensely emotional.  Fortunately, Dr. Tony Tsai and our team at The New York Fertility Center offer the most cutting-edge solutions available for fertility care to help make your dreams of parenthood a reality. But we don’t stop there. You can also get...

Guide to Finding a Donor Egg Mar 2nd, 2024

Did you know that parents welcome more than 40,000 babies each year with the help of donor eggs and sperm? Advancements in these reproductive technologies have offered life-changing results for people struggling with infertility. The decision to use a donor egg can feel overwhelming — and scary. Dr. Tony Tsai...

When to Consider Intralipid Therapy for Recurrent Miscarriages Feb 7th, 2024

Miscarriages are a fairly common problem, occurring in an estimated 20% of known pregnancies and often within the first 13 weeks. But that doesn’t mean they’re easy to go through, especially when they happen more than once. Recurrent miscarriages — at least two confirmed pregnancy losses in a row —...

5 Steps to Prepare for Intrauterine Insemination (IUI) Jan 3rd, 2024

There are several options available for individuals or couples looking to conceive. One popular option involves intrauterine insemination (IUI). During natural conception, sperm gets released in the vagina and has to travel through the cervix to reach the uterus, where it can have a chance to fertilize an egg —...

Male Infertility Is On the Rise — Our Experts Explain Why Dec 1st, 2023

People make a lot of assumptions about fertility.  For one, they presume that it’s easy to become pregnant. In truth, it can take 6-12 months to become pregnant, even with couples who don’t have fertility issues. Research shows that 1 in 6 people experience infertility worldwide.  Another unfortunate assumption people...

Why Isn’t IVF Working for Me? Nov 1st, 2023

In vitro fertilization (IVF) offers hope to people facing fertility issues. However, it isn’t a treatment that comes with guarantees. Success rates for this complex process can vary for several reasons — and unsuccessful IVF treatments can leave a person feeling emotionally drained. Dr. Tony Tsai and his team at...

5 Things to Know Before You Donate Your Eggs Oct 8th, 2023

There’s no greater gift than helping someone have a child. However, it’s also a decision you shouldn’t make lightly.  Dr. Tony Tsai and The New York Fertility Center team work with people on both sides of the coin — those struggling with infertility and donors who want to help. Are you considering egg donation? Here are five...

The Emotional Side of Infertility and How to Cope Sep 1st, 2023

People often focus on the physical aspects of infertility, like tests, treatments, and costs. However, there’s often another component to this common yet very personal issue — the toll it can take on your emotional and mental health. Our team at The New York Fertility Center works with people struggling...

The Link Between Acupuncture and Improved Pregnancy Rates Aug 8th, 2023

The path to parenthood isn’t always easy. For many, trying to become pregnant can be a real struggle. But our team at The New York Fertility Center understands what a deeply personal and emotional process it can be. We also offer a full range of fertility care to improve pregnancy...

What Is the Best Age to Freeze Your Eggs? Jul 14th, 2023

There are several reasons to consider freezing your eggs. However, whether you have a health diagnosis that could affect your fertility or you’d like a chance of conceiving later in life, there’s still an ideal time to start the process. Dr. Tony Tsai and The New York Fertility Center team work with people...

Why Do I Keep Having Miscarriages? Jun 14th, 2023

People often struggle in silence over miscarriages. But this is a common issue affecting up to 60% of all conceptions within the first 12 weeks. And, half the time, the woman didn’t realize she was pregnant. But what if you did know you were pregnant? And what if you miscarry...

A Beginner's Guide to IVF May 10th, 2023

When looking into your fertility options, you may want to know more about in vitro fertilization (IVF). After all, IVF is one of the most well-known fertility treatments. And because of a better understanding of infertility and advances in laboratory techniques, IVF has become more and more successful at helping...

NY State Enacts Mandatory IVF in 2020 Jan 30th, 2020

Did NY State enact a law effective January 1, 2020 that mandates that all insurance plans must provide IVF coverage? Yes and no. The state did enact a law that forced some large insurance groups to cover IVF treatment, but, the law still left out many patients. We are happy...